Combine sunny springtime, a food truck with delicious plant based food, and you create “taaas on wheels”. In 2021 still a crazy idea, and during spring 2022 on the road in Benelux: The Source Technology Food Truck. Preliminary we held brainstorming, cooking, and planning sessions. Mainly the cooking experiments in the food truck in front of our company were (sometimes) hilarious. Even for the people invited to taste or for the curious passengers. (Thank you to all of you!)
Tuesday, April 12th we lined up the food truck in Elst (NL). In total five small dishes, based on PowerHeaterTM plant based meat, were served. The salad with stir fried plant based chicken stripes got the best reactions. Remarkably, the “vol-au-veggie” a typical Belgian speciality was not so popular as during the pre-tastings.
The next two days we drove our food truck to Oostkamp (B) and Lendelede (B). Here the vegetarian vol-au vent advanced well in the tasting polls. Local diches with a plant based twist to it, are winners in Benelux. Also, in Belgium the crowd was very enthusiastic about the “chicken” salad. Finally, the meat skewers with plant based beef and chicken were overall the most popular food.
Are you interested in the plant based dishes and recipes, or would you like to invite taaas on wheels next time at your company, reach out to: [email protected]